2022 Reserve Verdelho
A Hare one day was boasting of his speed: “No one can beat me! Especially not you, Tortoise. It must take you days to travel just a mile.”
The Tortoise, amused, accepted the challenge. At the starting line, the Hare sped off, laughing haughtily as he left the Tortoise behind. So sure of his victory, the Hare stopped under a shady tree to nap. But the Tortoise kept steady, eventually overtaking the sleeping Hare. As the Tortoise neared the finish line, the startled Hare awoke and raced at full speed — but he could not overtake the victorious Tortoise.
Slow and steady wins the race.
This is about being consistent with the way we approach life, business and work. It’s about balance — not rushing through everything. Literally, one of our rules is no running in the cellar. All the mistakes happen when you’re rushing; be more methodical.